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Footnotes (1)

1 J.M. Cowan, The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, (Spoken Language Services Inc., New York, 3rd. ed., 1976), p.1055.

2 The word Tawheed does not actually occur in either the Qur'aan or in the statements (Hadeeths) of the Prophet (~). However, when the Prophet (~) sent Mu'aadh ibn Jabal as governor of Yemen in 9AH, he told him, "You will be going to Christians and Jews (ahl al-Kitaab), so the first thing you should invite them to is the assertion of the oneness of Allaah (Yuwahhidoo Allaah)." (Narrated by Ibn 'Abbaas and collected by al-Bukhaaree (Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Sahih Al-Bukhari, (Arabic-English), (Riyadh: Maktabah ar-Riyaad al-Hadeethah, 1981), vol.9, pp. 348-9, no.469) and Muslim (Abdul Hamid Siddiq, Sahih Muslim (English Trans.), (Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf Publishers, 1987), vol.1, pp.14-5, no.27). In this Hadeeth the present tense of the verb from which the verbal noun Tawheed is derived was used by the Prophet (~).

3 Ibn Abil-'Ezz al-Hanafee, Sharh al-'Aqeedah at-Tahaaweeyah, p.78.

4 Ibn Hajar, Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb, (Hydrabad, 1325-7)vol. 10, p.225.

5 'Abdul-Qaahir ibn Taahir aI-Baghdaadee, Al-Farq bain al-Firaq, (Beirut: Daar al-Ma'rifah), pp.19-20.

6 Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Kareem ash-Shahrastaanee, Al-Milal wan-Nihal, (Beirut: Daar al-Ma'rifah, 2nd ed., 1975), vol.1, p.30.

7 Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Ar-Radd 'alaa al-Jahmeeyah, (Riyadh: Daar al-Liwaa, 1st ed., 1977), pp.41-43.

8 Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Kareem ash-Sharastaanee, Al-Milal wan-Nihal, vol.1, p.46.

9 Soorah az-Zumar 39:62.

10 Soorah as-Saafaat 37:96.

11 Soorah al-Anfaal 8:17. This was in reference to a miraculous incident which took place when the Prophet (~) gathered some dust in his hand and threw it at the enemy (at the beginning of the Battle of Badr). Allaah caused the dust to reach the faces of the enemy in spite of their great distance.

12 Soorah at-Taghaabun 64:11.

13 Reported by Ibn 'Abbaas and collected by at-Tirmidhee. See Ezzeddin Ibrahim and Denys Johnson - Davies, An-Nawawi's Forty Hadith, (English Trans.), (Damascus, Syria: The Holy Koran Publishing House, 1976), p.68, no.19.

14 Soorah at-Taghanbun 64:14.

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