Islamic Resources Da'waHajj
The Message : It is probably the best movie that was made about Islam. We also have two snaps from it:
A public speech about Islam in Hide Park, London, by a Muslim convert called Abdul Raheem Green.
Islam and Science
Program Hajj: One Americans Pilgrimage To Mecca (Produced by ABC News Nightline)
Hajj Special Report: Pilgrimage To Mecca Produced by CNN News (48 Minutes)
Islam vs. Christianity
The Qur'an and Space Sciences (38 min, 39 sec)
Qur'an & Modern Science (Q&A) (123 min)
Timeless Time (29 min)
Debate - The Qur'an - Word of God or Muhammed Dr. Jamal Badawi V.S. Dr. Anis Shorrosh (3 hours)
Debate - The Way to Salvation Dr. Jamal Badawi; Dr. Jeffrey lang; Dr. H. Morsi Anis (3 hours 27 minutes)
Debate - Basic Human Right as Viewed by Christianity and Islam Dr. Jamal Badawi; Imam S. Elsayed; Dr. J, Pawlikowski (3 hours 51 minutes).
Treatment of Minorities in Christianity and Islam Dr. Jamal Badawi; Imam S. Elsayed; Dr. D. Bishop (2 hours).
The Concept of God Part 1 Dr. Jamal Badawi; Dr. Jeffrey Lang; Dr. H. Morsi; Imam S. Elsayed; Dr. D. Woodberry; Dr. H. Voglaar; Dr. P. Martison; Rev. Chastain (1 hour 33 minutes)
The Concept of God Part 2 Dr. Jamal Badawi; Dr. Jeffrey Lang; Dr. H. Morsi; Imam S. Elsayed; Dr. D. Woodberry; Dr. H. Voglaar; Dr. P. Martison; Rev. Chastain (1 hour 52 minutes).
God as Viewed in the Bible and the Qur'an Dr. Jamal Badawi; Imam S. Elsayed; Dr. G. Archer; Dr. R. Douglas (3 hours 17 minutes).
The Authenticity of the Bible Dr. Jamal Badawi; Dr. H. Morsi; Dr. G. Archer; Dr. R. Douglas (3 hours 10 minutes).
The Authenticity of the Quran Dr. Jamal Badawi; Dr. H. Morsi; Dr. G. Archer; Dr. R. Douglas (2 hours 48 minutes).
Is the Bible the Word of God? Dr. jaml Badawi; Dr. Jeffrey Lang; Dr. H. Morsi; Imam S. Elsayed; Dr. D. Woodberry; Dr. H. Voglaar; Rev. Chastain (2 hours 44 minutes)
Is the Qur'an the Word of God? Dr. jaml Badawi; Dr. Jeffrey Lang; Dr. H. Morsi; Imam S. Elsayed; Dr. D. Woodberry; Dr. H. Voglaar; Rev. Chastain (3 hours 34 minutes).
Is Muhammad a Prophet of God Dr. Jamal Badawi; Dr. H. Morsi; Dr. Jeffrey Lang; Imam Elsayed; Dr. D. Woodberry; Dr. H. Voglaar; Dr. P Martison; Rev. Chastain (2 hours 22 minutes)
Debate - Was Jesus Divine? or Was He a Prophet of God? Dr. Jamal Badawi; Dr. Jeffrey Lang; Dr. H. Morsi; Imam El-Sayed; Dr. D. Woodberry; Dr. H. Voglaar; Dr. P. Martison; Rev. Chastain (2 hours 12 minutes)
The Cross and Salvation Author: Dr. Jamal Badawi; Dr. H. Morsi; Dr. G. Archer; Dr. R. Douglas (3 hours 3 minutes)
The Divinity of Jesus Dr. Jamal Badawi; Dr. Anis Shorrosh (3 hours 39 minutes)
Debate - Treatment of Women in Christianity and Islam Dr. Jamal Badawi; Sr. Aysha Bey; Dr. Lois Livezey; Sr. Jean Hughes (2 hours 46 minutes)